Tuesday, April 03, 2007

northern blowing

Quite a wind blowing. The roads are in a bad state so please no rain or snow, or my car will be ex.

So the days pas and just today in a long while I began to feel like resuming this blogging. Somehow it has been feeling like : I've nothing to say, I don't want to produce buullshit, why should I have an opinion when it doesn't matter anyway. But it is like the election: if you don't vote don't miss the democracy when it is gone. And you will notice when that happens. Even now, when fewer people vote, you can observe the consequences: there is a cleft dividing the society, a cleft in income and standard on living - we have the poor again! And when this tendency continues it will one day turn to aggression. As it allways has. Why don't they look in the history? Why make the same mistakes over and over again? I've allways thought that as stupidity.

Well, that was not my meaning to preach, but it turns me on...

We have been making a new movie with the kids - in fact several movies. A few short ones and one longer with a plot. The short ones are more abstract, but, I hope, yet comprehensible.

Might describe it all as sex and drugs and rock'n'roll....

In the pictures there is the making of a scene, where a young girl has been knifed to death...

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