Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Coffee and chocolate every day...

There is a persistent fly teasing me and I almost choked in oats chocolate... A very boring video of random chatting in a close-up... I just can't stand this trend of whole-body-acting where you'll never see the faces and expressions!

Monday, September 23, 2024

Chatting with coffee on a cold, rainy day...

I am creating a youtube  channel - not much yet but on the way... 

Monday, April 22, 2024

Dune cottage, 'Summerland' and 'Three body problem'/

The world is a small place and coincidence is a force to consider. When I was young and travelling I was walking in some town - Dubrovnik perhaps - and in a streetcorner bumped on someones belly. That someone was way taller than me and I stepped back to see him better and apologise. He was dark with a bushy beard and quite a remarkable belly. He smiled widely and said: - Hey little fairy! Be careful or you get hurt! I knew him and smiled widely back: - Small world, buddy! Then we exchanged some news and pleasentries and parted, maybe for good. At least I have not seen him since. But we had met before, maybe in Marocco or Costa del Sol. So it's a small world! 

 Maybe a month ago I saw this film, "Summerland". A delicate and poetic story of a female writer and a schoolboy placed in her care during WWII. The story was many layered and complicated as stories tend to be, and it happened near those chalk cliffs of Dover in a tiny house above the beach, Dune Cottage by name if I rightly remember. The film was playing on Areena until the first of May but now they have extended the time to June. I suppose it has been popular, quite deservedly for it is a very nice and well made little film. 

 A few weeks ago the first season of "Three Body Problem" came to Netflix and I saw it. I don't know what people had expected from 'makers of game of thrones', maybe something more pompous and extravagant, but I liked it. The characters were simple and alive. Manylayered story was constructed in a clear and understandable way, and it doesn't differ too much from the book: characters are different - young scientists, women and men, and the place where it happens is mostly London. They have studied together and still hold connections.

 No spoilers so at a point they go for a holiday to a cottage one of them has rented, and it is the same cottage as in Summerland, near Seven Sisters... Life is funny, full of coincidences and surprises. Some deep conversations are done there on the beach and in the house, and the place gets importance. I had to check in both films that it really was the same: oven with the pinkish wall behind it, windows to the sea, terrance with broken rails... but judge yourself!