Tuesday, May 16, 2006

still colder


Everything stands still... My friend Ari Liimatainen has made a picture called 'Halted Spring': a sulky green lady with a rope around her neck - exactly how I feel, how the spring stands still, but it won't last, nothing can stop the force of life.
Today I stood in for the teacher of wood- and metalwork. All went relatively well: not like usually, but to the same direction. I like to be a clown, it helps the athmosphere. When you are feeling tense you do not learn or work properly. Or when somebody mocks you, or humiliates. One just feels endless sorrow. Laugh destroys power and might, and it helps one to see the relativity of everything.
And it did rain both water and snow, and the temperature is barely -4¤ C. I think I'll have my hotwaterbottles in use again: nothing is more disgusting than a freezing bed. I will surviwe through the cold and silence.
And tomorrow is another day!

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