Monday, October 16, 2006

darkness comes

spot little mii
black tram

earlier every day, especially when it is cloudy, like today. We have had a little dog to look after for the weekend - quite heartbreaking: I've been without a dog for one and a half years and it is so nice to have someone to walk with and someone to come and sniff at my trousers when I just sit still here. But on the other hand Tisi, my old dog, lived to be 18 years old and that is quite a time to take care of someone. I'm not so young anymore and there are other complications.... but like this it is really wonderful: just fun and no responsibility. Tomorrow he will go home.

It is the autumnholiday so the boys will be home for the week. I suppose we will go to see grandmother Maija some day. Otherwise it is just to take in the gardenfurniture and to rake the fallen leaves. I like to rake: you get heaps of leaves that rustle and are colousful. And in my yard under the leaves there is a thick darkgreen moss covering everything like in some sort of japanese garden. It is beautiful, very special.

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