Tuesday, August 21, 2007

missing internet

Yes, we have been without the net for a week! There was a fiery thunderstorm at 4 am and - we had all the plugs off - gone was the connection. And then I phoned, spent hours queueing for someone to answer... It was frustrating, dissappointing and made me think that nothing ever changes - you just have to wait and wait and wait.... Well today a nice elderly gentleman came and fixed the connection: a lightning had struck the distributionbox.

It wouldn't have been so painfull normally but I am just changing the server of our webpages... and the domain of course, so the ants in my pants.

Here are some pictures from our summershop. This summer we have also had a cafeshop 'Hundred Cups' wit pastry and soft icecream, mmm. The shop will be open to the beginning of september.

And a halfdone drawing....

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