Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Friends had a band...

Why beauty is boring?

The music is the same as in 'a moment' and the girl is the same - here she just is some five years older. We took some photos and she wanted to try something like dancing on the field and so... The shining object is moon - it shows very bright somehow, but moon it is! It was rather cold, just some centigrades above zero.

The name - I just find beauty boring, harmony distressing, just like grave disharmony, too. Just too much of something is, well, too much!

Why beauty is boring?

a moment

It started maybe so that I had some pictures and an idea, and he had some strips of music... os maybe he gave me the music and I got ideas  of pictures? Anyhow that was how this was born... 'Forever gone' - I think we all have an experience  when we realize that something is gone, passed and shall never be again, at least when someone dies. My eldest son came to me when he was nine and had a mandarine in his hand: Mom, see how this bit is perfect, all cells and juice and taste, and (he ate it) now it is gone and shall never be again! It was his perception!

Somehow this 'music video' mixes mystical elements to everyday, like the girl in the woods, and the black cat, and the fire, but the reason is just to play with pictures and meanings... white flower... And that is the way of all!

At that time - or rather before I had also been playing with photoshop and effects, and I used some pictures with numerous different colorings and other effects  - the staircase with the window in more and less color, with swans and without, and the eye changing coloring...

a moment

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