Saturday, May 13, 2006

Dramatic and loaded

yesterday the text and the pictures - for some reason unknown - went to the archiv. Something of the sort I've expected. Allways messing up everything sooner or later. Let's see where this will end up.

The day was windy and a bit cooler but sunny all the same. I changed my bank. It is a major operation for a peaceful little soul like me. So it was dramatic.

And I confirmed the delivery of professional videoequipment. Why does a nice old lady like me do these things? I do wonder. But the caleidoscope continues to rotate, colours and visions change, and we shall see.

Today at school Rovis did show some 17-18 years old boys 'the understatement', and the boys were silent. So that speaks for itself. I'm content.

Weekend. It's getting colder and cloudy. This is the last weekend before the HDV. Whatever it means. There is going to be a difference for sure, but what kind of difference remains to be seen.

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