Sunday, May 14, 2006


The first thunderstorm this summer, quite hectic with hail outside and fire from the wallsockets. Yes, I'm afraid, scared stiff, willing to hide under nearest sofa or whatever. I don't want the house to burn - and all my pictures and writings and other things. After all, it is my life-work.

These pictures are old: the boy with the swallow is 27 years old today, I have a new drawingtable and 'The Memoir' was painted some years ago. As a matter of fact it consists of several memoirs: One of a dream I used to have when I was a child, a dream about a wolf under rosebushes. Another of Tisi, my lovely and disgusting cross-bred, that died two years ago 18 years old. And the other dog, Juuso The Lionheart, one-eyed labradorian, died 2.5.2005. He was thirteen. So I'm a bit lonely still walking these roads.

So the weather has turned to cold and it is nice and homely to be inside with a fire burning in the fireplace. During thunder you can't even watch television so it's books...

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