A crashed dragonfly and
a poetic aquarelle.
It is so with many things as well as life itself: the little alleys and byways are much more interesting than the mainroad - or mainstream. I've been cutting our little filmfiction and as usual there are so many possibilities that it seems almost rude to choose just one. And the sound - I just don't know how to handle it - . Deep shit. But the choice is my own so who is to blame. I must be exaggerating...
So passed the midsummernight, without dreams, wide awake till morning.
Alot of light and a lot of gnats.
Today my son Nasse and neighbours son Eemeli were at town Jyväskylä and a tyre blew out. So no passer-by had a suitable monkeywrench and I had to go and rescue them. Only some 50 km and back. And the spare tyre leaked too...
Not so bad on the whole...

Been quite a while since the last time. Because of the thunder one can't keep plugs in the sockets and that means no internet, no computer, no machines...
Been filming some three hours: our little fiction and some documentary. Sunday went in Helsinki with the crew. I've seen the material twice and it is workable. Tomorrow I'll do some rough cutting. And so on...
and the editing program recognizes the camera. It still won't transfer the data, but I'm working on it and perhaps some day...It has still been cold and the wind stays in north. Yesterday I was in Jyväskylä. Got the microphone, more memory and the battery, but still no tapes. Beginnings of a crisis there.
Today I started the filming of sculptor Molsa and her horses. Quite charming wievs of meadows and horses and riding. We even made a trip with a cart drawn by the young one, Maija. It was quite exiting. Horses seem to be a lot like dogs: simple and trusting.
And tonight some more filming with the local artists.
Dipoli is new finnish architecture by Raili and Reima Pietilä.
Rather a cold day. I've been in the net, in the phone and using the camera and all this at the same time.
There is a problem with the logging and capturing, and now I know that basically there is nothing wrong, it is only some kind on functional knot. As a matter of fact I knew that already. Well, now it has been certified after a long wait, some finnish discussion, another long wait and a longish english conversation. To put it plain: all I got was a headache.
And the virtual courses, arranging all the material to the net and hoping for the best: they will understand, and we will work on things. Yes, of course they will understand, they are clever young people. I hope that I can offer them something interesting and worth doing.
Yesterday I was at the opening of Laaja-art, artexhibition for the summer. It is allways refreshing - something new, something old too, yes. And once more it did rain....some years ago there was a mighty thunderstorm at the openings. In a way it builds quite an athmosphere...
when the living is easy... School is out anyway. Other jobs wait to be done. Tomorrow is the opening of Laaja-art, and I intend to go there.