Tuesday, July 04, 2006

heat and exhibitions

Some hot days it has been. Yesterday I was at Laaja-art to see Improvisages, and to film them. Some really funny pictures of Ari's pictures - and the music came to tape surprisingly well. And I got pictures of Eeva-Liisa's horses as well. Captured the material in the evening and no problems with that either.

And today at ten o'clock we were building the exhibition at Konnevesi: the shoppinglists and the dragonflies went there.

I made still some more toffee - now it is finnished, the making, only selling remains. Then I had a cold shower, a glas of red wine and a cool down. - When I buildt this house, I wanted two things especially: a big window in the bathroom and a window at the kitchen where the washbasins are. It is lovely in the summer when the eveningsun shines to the bathroom...

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