is exhausting. I do not like heath: it is suffocating and harassing. And the thunder frightens me because it can burn the house (and all of my works, of course, and beeing a selfish and narcistic person that would be devastating), my one and only home.
The conserts are over and the market gone. Tomorrow we shall move the artexhibition to the Pawn-shop and I shall get some frames from Hankasalmi - the framedealer visitid the exhibition today.
Yesterday I had 'open doors' at the smithy. It was sweatty and i swam for the first time this summer - and not only once... And surprise surprise: my eldiest son Tuomas turned up there in the evening with his new old Mercedes. We came home together after midnight, and he left again today before noon. Such are our children, but it is good to even visit for a short while. He said he'll be back...
'The Enchantress' has been liked and praised, and here is a picture of her.
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