Tuesday, August 03, 2010

the storm asta

The night between thursday and friday last week... I woke at about two oclock to the sound of rain, heavy constant patter of drops, and flashing of lightnings and black roaring darkness. I lied quite still and dreamed of a thunderous fuck, warm weight on my body and the mixing of different sensory perceptions, the movement, the water pouring and the thunder... ecstatic!

The wind rattled steelsheets on the roof of old cowhouse and beat branches of trees on the roof, and howled in the corners of outhouses and open windows. I had to get up to close the windows. The rooms on the southside had water flooding on the floor. Pluck sockets flashed sparkles causing the cat  to panick and run round the house. The dog couched under the sofa. And the boy slept on the sofa. Finally I stood with the cat on the treshold in the middle of the house and followed the divine spectacle for half an hour. Then I gave up and scrambled back to bed to listen to the patter of rain already more serene...

It is now the fifth day without electricity. One can survive without fridge! and without water from the tap - luckily we have a well on the yard and a composting toilet! Without electric cooker - keep the campfires burning!!! And without television, computer, cellphone! The roads are however already open! On friday I did sweat with the dog on a fitness track made by some fifty fallen heavy and bushy spruce.

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