Friday, August 13, 2010

the first day

This is the first day of the rest of my life, and this is 13th and friday, but a beautiful and warm summerday in spite of that. The first day... beginning of something, maybe not so different and spectacular but hopeful and peaceful. Why do they - all other people - want to force me to stay put? Why? Do they not understand that to me the fourtieth wedding anniversary means absolutely nothing, or maybe a chain? Do they not understand that a continuing work in or with some same persons and surroundings is a deathblow? Why do they not understand? Why do they not accept me as I am - a wanderer? It is not considered normal here, not worth doing, just flying from a flower to another.
But that is how I'm made! That is how I'm on my best and how I thrive! A dog can not become a cat or a dragonfly. A dog is a dog and a dragonfly is a dragonfly.

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