Friday, August 20, 2010

A woman loves to nurture...

It is ever so surprising that this once again - hundreds of times this has happened! - surfaces: The woman is more emphatic, she loves to nurture, she is emotional... she is different from a man, who is mathematical, strong and rational!!! In my 56 years I have come accross this phenomenal hoax all the time. It is depressing and plain stupid!!! An instrument of subjection!!!

So as a woman you should be the second in command, at most... Your capability to independent thinking and action is ... well, if not nonexistent at least limited. How come? But these opinions need no reasons or justification: they are the objective thruth!!! At best you are serving and nurturing others... and that makes you partial in deciding...

It is so refreshing and profitable, this kind of oppression. As a woman you are suitable for supporting and decorative jobs, not independent or leading... but I'm not supporting or decorative, I am independent and  quite able to make decicions... even if I lika more democracy that tyranny - I have tried that too and  even if it was working it was not lasting....

All  my life I have been listening... listening other people, but that doesn't mean I haven't been thinking. Mostly I have been alone, alone with my boys, my children - no man ever came near the measure... And we had it well, working system in this house for the good of all, and boys grew, became men and went their own ways. So I am alone with my thoughts and ideas. It is funny how little we change by the years: I am the same as I was years and years ago: not so certain about anything, exploring and experimenting, not so very civilized but frank, and ever loving beauty...

My paintings are awesome to some people but because I'm not a member of unions or properly schooled I am not a real professional artist. I'm glad someone has finally defined art and artist... As a moviemaker the problem is the same: Those who were social and made their compromise are the ones with economical means to do something but likes of me... fuck off!!! Students the age of 16 get laptops if they choose a certain school - when I was in the same situation you paid for your studies and got nothing material. Even now I think that the most important things in my life have not been material - materia and wealth are just excess and the core of life is something else.

Back to the children: because I have children I must be a nurturing woman! So it has been said. BUT... I have children because getting children - being pregnant and giving birth - is the greatest sexual and erotic experience. Yes, I have heard the thousand stories of births gone bonkers and the pain and suffering, but to my opinion it was hard work rather than pain, didn't last long and the euphoric symbiose for two-three weeks after the birth with the baby was like a prolonged orgasm, exquisitive and joyable. And all from a very selfish point of view...  as also the baby suckling, a very sexual experience...  Poor men, never such... must be frustrating and so it is natural to underrate the experience!!! Or maybe it is jelousy?

And nurturing later... I gladly admit that my boys have been my companions rather than something to nurture. I have helped and explaned when needed but they have not been subject to any special dicipline and everyone has had to work, do his share of the common shit like washing the dishes or vacuuming. And no harm done there as far as I can see... We had fun with the boat and the dogs and the cars that always broke! Yes, we had fun and though we were not rich or even well-to-do we were content: not fat or starving but ok! And even the house I got to some sort of condition!

So never am I going to nurture, but my fair share of play... where is it???

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